Monday, May 28, 2012


OK I've said it before, but I'll say it again...I'm a fan of Oprah, and I've made it a point to "attend" the Oprah Life Classes.  Her second season just finished about a month ago.  This season, she had some AMAZING 'teachers' on...Iyanla Van Zant (who I've always loved), Tony Robbins (also a very commanding man), Deepak Chopra (who I had never seen or read before, but is another wise man), and most surprisingly Bishop T.D. Jakes.  

What an inspirational man!!  I would highly recommend checking him out!  I am NOT a religious person, but he really taught me a lot of lessons.  He has so many interesting things to say that really make sense.  He wasn't there to convert anyone to religion, but more to inspire...and inspire he DID!  I took notes throughout the Life Classes, and I'd like to share one of the quotes from T.D. Jakes that makes SO much sense and motivates as here it is, something to ponder.......

“Unforgiveness unchecked becomes a cancer in our soul…because a cancer won’t stay where it starts…it spreads"

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